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Bali NGO & Associates was formally registered as Yayasan Bali Bhakti Lestari (Akte notaris Dewa Putu Dipta Dadia Nugraha SH. MH, nomor 38 -  21 September 2020, SK nomor: AHU-0016362.AH.01.04.Tahun 2020

NPWP: 96.136.654.9-905.000, Surat Tanda Pendaftaran Dinas Sosial: nomor 460/979/SOSIAL). 

After a dormant period of Bali NGO and Associates, Yayasan Westerlaken Alliance Indonesia, one of the founding members, has obtained the program, brand and ideas of Bali NGO and Associates with permission of the board of Pembina's of Yayasan Bali Bhakti Lestari (Perjanjian Persetujuan Pengalihan program oleh Yayasan Bali Bhakti Lestari kepada Yayasan Bali Bersih Nomor 2023/YBB/BNA/SPJJ/001).


For more (legal) information on Yayasan Westerlaken Alliance Indonesia, please visit


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