Bali NGO & Associates
A program of Yayasan Westerlaken Alliance Indonesia

The 2021 Bali earthquake struck at 04:18 AM local time on 15 October 2021. It resulted in 3 deaths and 73 more injured. The magnitude of the earthquake was 4.8. As a result of the earthquake landslides occurred. Main impact zones are Desa Ban and Desa Trunyan.
In Desa Ban more or less 10% of the houses are severely damaged.
Bali NGO & Associates works alongside registered NGOs and Aid Organisations in Bali to promote compliancy, sustainability and collaboration in order to foster and enhance active responses to disaster.
Our goal is to create cohesion between organisations (GO and NGO) on the island, so that between us we can assist as many of those in need as possible.

To coordinate help and discuss responses Bali NGO & Associates created a WhatsApp group. We invite all groups, initiatives, NGO's and private initiatives to join this WhatsApp group. Anyone can access this group by scanning the QR code.

Based on meetings with the kepala desa (Gede Tamu Sugiantara) and the coordinator for incoming help (Ketut Budayasa) the board of Bali NGO & Associates had on 19/10/2021 we request ANY group, initiative, NGO and private initiative to report any incoming donations at the kantor desa.
All incoming donations and help are registered to ensure efficient, equal and fair distribution.
Please see the letter from the kepala desa to all who want to help.